U P C O M I N G   P R O J E C T S

The CD project with Rose McDowall and Robert Lee is complete. It has three excellent paintings by Steven Stapleton for the cover titled, "Ear", "Nose" and "Throat". This project is presently delayed. It will be released in 2003...sometime!

"Sonic Spaces-the kinetics of sound" was exhibited at The Edmonton International Works Festival from June 20th - July 27th, 2003. The exhibit was highly successful. Shawn is presently talking to several other venues around the world. There will be a webpage with video and audio clips of this work in the near future. Sonic Spaces is a computer interactive audio installation that translates the motion of people moving in a space into a changing acousmatic soundscape.

Shawn is completing music and sound effects for a children's CDROM project for the E-Media Centre at the Estonian Academy of Arts. This is a project led by Ivika Kivi and is designed for use in the Estonian elementary school system.

Shawn just sold two songs from "Resonance" to the documentary film The Corporation. "The Sand, The Sea, The Stars" and "Opal" were featured in the film soundtrack. "The Corporation" was recently a runner up in the People's Choice Awards at the 2003 Toronto International Film Festival.

Shawn will be performing in fall 2003 at The Rainbow Room, Birmingham, UK, and possibly will be touring with Rose McDowall and Sorrow for some fall concerts. More details soon!

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